This season, Gulf of Alaska Keeper, with the strong financial support of MCAF and several corporate and private donors, conducted two aerial marine debris beach surveys on the Montague Island outer Gulf coast in April and May. Over two weekends in late April and early May, 12 volunteers in three vessels surveyed the eastern side of the Knight Island archipelago. On May 14-15, nearly 100 volunteers including boat crews in 12 motor vessels and 15 kayaks collected marine debris on Knight Island beaches from the southern side of the mouth of the Bay of Isles all the way to the northern tip of Eleanor Island. Most of the debris collected during the volunteer effort was left in the field for subsequent retrieval by a contract crew. After the volunteer cleanup, GoAK organized and conducted a debris survey along the western side of PWS from Lighthouse Point to Granite Bay.
2006 Montague Island Patton Bay Nellie Martin River Surveys