In 2011, Gulf of Alaska Keeper (GoAK) prepared interrelated proposals for cleaning beaches in Prince William Sound (PWS) and in the Gore Point region of the Kenai Peninsula. In spring of 2011, the Marine Conservation Alliance Foundation (MCAF) solicited proposals for removing marine debris (MD) from Alaskan ocean beaches. Gulf of Alaska Keeper (GoAK) prepared a proposal for cleaning specific beaches in PWS. With money from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) FY 08 Grant NA08NOS4630356, MCAF contributed funding toward an 8-day cleanup on the northern end of Latouche Island in PWS. The Chugach National Forest Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) funded a 12-day re-clean of pocket collector beaches on the Naked Island group and nearby islands. In addition, the RAC also provided funding for MD disposal costs and for cleanup project fuel. In a related but separate project, NOAA, through grant NA11NMF4630054, funded a 35-day cleanup project on the Gulf of Alaska Kenai Peninsula coast. GoAK’s professional cleanup efforts combined with thousands of hours of volunteer labor contributed to a very productive cleanup season.
Gore Point Monitoring and Gulf of Alaska Cleanup

Prince William Sound Volunteer Cleanup

2011 Final Report Final Report on Removing Marine Debris from Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula Beaches in 2011
2011 Gore Point Removing Marine Debris from Gore Point in 2011
2011 Naked Island Removing Marine Debris from Naked Island in 2011