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Alaska Cleans Up Waste From 2011 Tsunami
By John Hockenberyy, The Takeaway - WNYC - Published July 28, 2015

A massive cleanup effort is underway in Alaska, with tons of debris being airlifted from the shores and beaches, and transported to a barge for disposal. The buildup is due in large part to the 2011 Tsunami that hit Japan. Japan has agreed to pay $5 million to help in clean up efforts.

Alaskans Still Cleaning Up Reminders of Japan Tsunami 
By Peter O'Dowd, Here and Now - Published July 27, 2015

The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011 killed nearly 16,000 people, and reminders of that disaster are still washing ashore, thousands of miles away on the coast of Alaska.

How Much Debris Litters Alaska’s Beaches? 
By Steve Heimel, APRN - Published February 4, 2015

Gulf of Alaska Keeper was already in the trash business, picking up old fishing gear, when the 2011 tsunami swept away miles of buildings, docks, vehicles, contents of dumps, tanks, and other materials along the coast of Japan and sent much of it floating across the Pacific. The organization knew where it was most likely to hit. And it did, says Keeper President Chris Pallister.

Plastic in the Ocean
By Steve Heimel, Talk of Alaska - Published January 30, 2015

Birds are now turning up dead on remote beaches with stomachs full of plastic. Certain areas of Alaska’s remote coast are now littered with debris that was carried there by ocean currents. Not only is the amount of this debris growing, but the amount of money available for cleaning it up is far too small.

Tsunami Debris On Alaska's Shores Like 'Standing In Landfill'
By Annei Feidt, NPR - Published February 6, 2013

Chris Pallister, president of the nonprofit Gulf of Alaska Keeper, has been cleaning up debris that washes onto Alaska's shores for the past 11 years. Marine debris isn't a new issue for the state, but he says his job got a whole lot harder when the tsunami wreckage began arriving last spring.

Tsunami Debris Problem Gets Worse in Alaska, with Little Clean Up Funding In Sight
By Annie Feidt, APRN - Published January 30, 2013

The beach on the southeast side of Montague Island stretches for nearly 80 miles of pristine wilderness. At least it looks pristine from a few thousand feet up. As our helicopter descends towards the shore, big chunks of white polystyrene foam, similar to Styrofoam, come into view.